INCCA Newsletter: October 2022

Screenshot of INCCA Revisiting Interviews: The Artist Assistan
Screenshot of INCCA Revisiting Interviews: The Artist Assistant

Dear INCCA Community,

Greetings to everyone! We would like to cordially invite you to the approaching INCCA Talk: Richard Mudariki with Davison Chiwara on the 5th of October! You can register for the Talk via the link below. 🙂

Apart from that, we are also thrilled to announce that you can start signing up for the upcoming INCCA Speed Mentoring session on the 10th of November during the conference Sustaining Art: People, Practice, Planet in Contemporary Art Conservation in Dundee, Scotland. Secure your slot by emailing the INCCA Coordinator ( with your first and second preference in case your first choice is already booked. The slots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Last but not least, we hope you enjoyed the first event of our new program series Revisiting Interviews as much as we did! We would like to thank all presenters and participants who joined us and inform you that the recap of INCCA Revisiting Interviews: The Artist Assistant has been published on the website already!

All the best,

INCCA Steering Committee

INCCA Talk: Richard Mudariki with Davison Chiwara

On 5th October 2022, 5pm CET, we are thrilled to host the INCCA Talk of Richard Mudariki interviewed by Davison Chiwara. Register here to obtain the link for INCCA Talk: Richard...
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INCCA Coordinator

INCCA Speed Mentoring Session during Sustaining Art

INCCA cordially invites you for the Speed Mentoring session on 10th November 2022, as part of the conference Sustaining Art: People, Practice, Planet in Contemporary Art...
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INCCA Coordinator

Recap - INCCA Revisiting Interviews: The Artist Assistant

In the first event in INCCA’s new programming series Revisiting Interviews, we explored interview processes with artist assistants and fabricators. Through seven short...
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INCCA Coordinator

Vacancy - Conservator (Textiles), Heritage Conservation Centre (H…

What the role is: The Heritage Conservation Centre (HCC), an institution under the NHB, plays a leading role in heritage conservation and collections management in Singapore. It is...
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INCCA Coordinator

Object - Event - Performance: Art, Materiality, and Continuity Si…

Object - Event - Performance: Art, Materiality, and Continuity Since the 1960s Edited by Hanna Hölling Much of the artwork that rose to prominence in the second half of the...
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INCCA Coordinator

Fred Eversley: Screening and Artist Q&A (in-person and online)

On Wednesday, October 5, at 4–5pm PDT at the Getty Center in Los Angeles, the Getty Conservation Institute will host a screening of the film Fred Eversley, The Shape of Energy (11...

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Ellen Moody


Within the research project Activating Fluxus generously funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and situated in the Bern University of Applied Sciences - Academy of...

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Hanna Hölling

Just in Time: on the Status Quo and Future of Electronic Art Pres…

Fri, October 07, 2022 - Sat, October 08, 2022, Conference Please register: Language: English The material culture of the electrified and digitized 20th and 21st...
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INCCA Coordinator

Performance Conservation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Septemb…

What does it mean to conserve performance, to sustain its life into the future? What is performance, if investigated as an event, process, object, documentation, and as an ongoing...

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Hanna Hölling

Paid Graduate Internships at the Getty Conservation Institute

Applications are now open for the 2023-2024 Getty Graduate Internship program! Opportunities are available in the Buildings & Sites, Collections, and Science departments of the...

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Anna Duer

Copies for Climate Workshop, Online and Free, 16 September 2022.…

Friday 16 September, 09.30–11.30 Workshop: Copies for Climate? [Organised as part of the conference 'Reshaping the Collectible: Learning Through Change'] As part of the Reshaping...

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Pip Laurenson

Call for Papers and Posters: ICOM-CC Modern Materials…

Free virtual event Semi-synthetic and Synthetic Textile Materials in Fashion, Design and Art / Feb. 21-23, 2023 Collections from the 20th century, especially those that focus on...

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Julia Langenbacher

INCCA Revisiting Interviews: The Artist Assistant

21st September 2022, 8am PDT / 5pm CET / 12am KST Organised by Rachel Rivenc, Sanneke Stigter and Josephine Bobeck Artist assistants, fabricators and other contributors to art...
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INCCA Coordinator

Sustaining Art: People, Practice, Planet in Contemporary Art Cons…

Registration is now OPEN for the international conference 'Sustaining Art: People, Practice, Planet in Contemporary Art Conservation,' taking place 9th to 11th November 2022 in...

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Profile picture Rebecca Gordon

Now available online: "Mortality Immortality? The Legacy of 20th-…

Which objects or events will define the art of our time? Who will decide what is to be preserved for posterity and how that will be done? If an artist chooses ephemeral materials...

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Anna Duer

Applications now open: Conservation Guest Scholars Program 2023-2…

The Getty Conservation Guest Scholars Program provides opportunities for professionals to pursue research on topics that bring new knowledge and fresh perspectives to the field of...

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Anna Duer