Visit Project: Case studies in the Dutch State Collection (2021-2023) Project: Case studies in the Dutch State Collection (2021-2023) Monday, July 19, 2021 - 11:26 Karen te Brake - Baldock
Visit Project: Painting surfaces by Mondrian, Appel and Schoonhoven (2021-2023) Project: Painting surfaces by Mondrian, Appel and Schoonhoven (2021-2023) Monday, July 19, 2021 - 11:06 Karen te Brake - Baldock
Visit Project: Collection interviews (2021-2023) Project: Collection interviews (2021-2023) Monday, July 19, 2021 - 10:44 Karen te Brake - Baldock
Visit Project: Colour and architecture 1940-1980 (2021-2023) Project: Colour and architecture 1940-1980 (2021-2023) Thursday, July 15, 2021 - 15:35 Karen te Brake - Baldock
Visit Project: Building Materials 1940-1990 (2021-2023) Project: Building Materials 1940-1990 (2021-2023) Tuesday, July 13, 2021 - 14:48 Karen te Brake - Baldock
Visit Project: Plastics (2021-2023) Project: Plastics (2021-2023) Tuesday, July 13, 2021 - 13:56 Karen te Brake - Baldock
Visit Online publication: The Panza Collection Initiative Records Online publication: The Panza Collection Initiative Records Monday, July 12, 2021 - 14:15 Karen te Brake - Baldock
Visit Book: Object Lessons: Case Studies in Minimal Art—The Guggenheim Panza Collection Initiative (2021) Book: Object Lessons: Case Studies in Minimal Art—The Guggenheim Panza Collection Initiative (2021) Monday, July 12, 2021 - 14:12 Karen te Brake - Baldock
Visit IMMA are looking for a collection manager and senior registrar IMMA are looking for a collection manager and senior registrar Thursday, June 24, 2021 - 11:08 INCCA Coordinator
Visit Job opportunity, Photograph Conservator, Tate Galleries, London Job opportunity, Photograph Conservator, Tate Galleries, London Friday, June 18, 2021 - 17:36 Pip Laurenson
Visit Research Programme 20th-century Heritage (2021-2023) Research Programme 20th-century Heritage (2021-2023) Tuesday, June 15, 2021 - 15:17 Karen te Brake - Baldock
Visit INCCA / CAN! Speed Mentoring session Event INCCA / CAN! Speed Mentoring session Date and time 2021-06-15T00:00:00+0200 Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 10:20 INCCA Coordinator