INCCA members are dedicated to developing, sharing and preserving knowledge needed for the conservation of modern and contemporary art. INCCA is a network of like-minded professionals connected to the conservation of modern and contemporary art.
Questionnaire about inpainting on contemporary artworks
Newsletter Issue
INCCA Newsletter October
AUSTRALIAN-MADE 2021 - AICCM Paintings SIG Virtual Forum
Forum topic
Retouching Unvarnished Acrylic Emulsion Paintings
Dear all,
My name is Megan Levet and I am in my third year on the Conservation of Easel Paintings Course at The Courtauld Institute of Art. My final year thesis project is to review suitable retouching media for unvarnished acrylic emulsion paintings. In support of this research, I am sending out a short set of questions to contemporary conservation studios and conservators to try to get an idea of what media and methods are currently being employed by conservators, which materials have been found successful or unsuccessful and how these materials have withstood the test of time.
My predecessor, Shelley Sims, started this project and first sent out a survey in 2008. Her research found that watercolour, gouache, Regalrez and Aquazol (in all three molecular weights) were the most popular retouching media at the time. I am now re-visiting her research to see if this is still the case, how these materials have aged, and if attitudes towards retouching acrylic paintings have changed. The answers provided in this survey will help me focus my research on what is most practically relevant now and what new media I should test.
My project will involve testing the various retouching media on samples of acrylic emulsion paint to assess the colour, texture and gloss, as well as how reversible the media are. The samples I am using were originally made for the project in 2008 and have now been artificially aged, naturally aged for 10 years, and in dark storage for 3 years.
Given the most common types of problems/damages requiring retouching are: scuff marks, abrasion, dirty marks and finger prints on the surface of the painting – the removal of which may cause damage to the original paint;
1. What methods and materials have you attempted or found successful in dealing with these types of problems?
2. In your collection care, have you had the chance to revisit the work you have done to monitor and assess the long-term success of these methods/materials?
There are strict time restrictions on my project and if you were able to reply as soon as possible I would greatly appreciate it.
Many thanks for your help!
Megan Levet
Courtauld Institute of Art
University professorship
Entre artistas y restauradoræs

Associate Professor/Professor in Conservation and Director of Masters in Conservation of Contemporary Art & Media

INCCA Café Light Art - Archive for Techniques and Materials of Contemporary Artists