Tanushree Gupta completed her doctoral studies in art conservation – ‘Scientific Studies on the Conservation Issues of Acrylic Paintings’ – in 2016 from the National Museum Institute of History of Art...
Davison Chiwara is a lecturer in the department of Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies at Midlands State University in Zimbabwe. He is a doctoral candidate with the University of...
In "A Silent Roundtable Discussion," featured in Issue 10 of VoCA Journal, conservators Joelle Wickens, Sally Gunhee Kim, and Sarah Scaturro explore their personal and professional experiences with...
VoCA partnered with Middlebury College & the Middlebury College Museum of Art for an interview program featuring artist Vito Acconci and Steven O’Banion, Smithsonian Conservation Fellow at Hirshhorn...
Free workshop: Treating PMMA: Filling Scratches and Chips
A Free, Live Virtual Mini Workshop The Getty Conservation Institute Offered on two dates: March 2, 2021 March 4, 2021 Overview Since its introduction in the twentieth century, poly (methyl...
Some Theory for the Conservation of Contemporary Art
This article analyzes different ontological categories and how they relate to the conservation of contemporary art. Faced with the necessity of apprehending the work of art from an ontological point...
Successful INCCA Speed Mentoring session with CAN! during AIC 2020
On July 28th of 2020, the first virtual INCCA Speed Mentoring session was carried out during the virtual AIC annual meeting. It was organised in collaboration with AIC’s Contemporary Art Network (CAN...
Two Paid Graduate Internships at the Getty Conservation Institute
Getty Graduate Internships are offered to graduate students who intend to pursue careers in the visual arts. Due to the deferral of most of the GCI’s 2020-21 graduate interns to 2021-22, this year we...
Application to Amsterdam Conservation Training Programme now open until 1 February 2021
Application for the Contemporary Art specialisation in the four-year MA training programme in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage at the University of Amsterdam is now open! Candidates...
Fellowships in Scientific Research and Conservation at The Met 2021-2022
Conservation Fellowships and Scientific Research Fellowships 2021-2022 There are two types of Conservation Fellowships: junior and senior. Junior fellows work closely with Met staff to receive...