The newest monograph by Monika Jadzinska PhD, DSc, "Plastics in the Visual Arts", has been published by the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Monika Jadzinska's book is a very valuable and long-awaited publication, dealing with plastics in visual arts, their aging and conservation. The book has been written for students and graduates of art conservation in order to facilitate the recognition of plastics present in art objects and the mechanisms of their degradation, as well as to help in everyday conservation practice. It can also successfully serve as an aid to curators of contemporary art collections and industrial design objects, collectors and the artists themselves. The first chapters are a compendium of knowledge, covering historical issues, the classification of plastics, technological aspects and problems associated with the degradation of these materials. The author has also described in detail the problem of storage and exhibition of objects made of plastics. The last part describes the results of technological tests of eight works by outstanding Polish artists: Tadeusz Kantor, Jan Tarasin, Alina Szapocznikow, Mirosław Bałka and Paweł Althamer. An extensive bibliography is included at the end.
While we plan to translate the entire publication into English, you can already check out translated excerpts from the book on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/tworzywasztucznewsztuce
Monika Jadzińska, PhD, DSc, Professor of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, and Dean of the Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art is a conservator-restorer, and an expert in the field of contemporary art conservation. She teaches painting conservation and restoration at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw.