The Steering Committee (SC) represents INCCA members and gives advice on the strategic direction of the network. The committee is currently made up of 11 INCCA members including the INCCA Coordinator who acts as secretary. From September 2020 the SC introduced two early career positions that will be rotated after two years. All committee members work on a volunteer basis. Click on the names to read the biography.
- Josephine Bobeck - Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden / private practice
- Paula Chang - INCCA Coordinator
- Zeeyoung Chin - Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
- Davison Chiwara - Midlands State University, Gweru, Zimbabwe
- Ana Lizeth Mata Delgado - ENCRyM, Mexico City, Mexico
- Tanushree Gupta - University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria
- Pip Laurenson - University College London (UCL), London, United Kingdom
- Megan Levet - private practice
- Tom Learner - Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, USA
- Rachel Rivenc - Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, USA
- Sanneke Stigter - University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands