Rachel Rivenc is the Head of Conservation and Preservation at the Getty Research Institute (GRI). Prior to that she worked at the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) as part of the Modern and Contemporary Art Initiative since 2007 - as project specialist overseeing the dissemination, training and research activities related to Modern and Contemporary Art and before that as associate scientist researching the materials and processes used by contemporary artists and the conservation challenges that they pose. Before coming to the GCI Rachel taught paintings conservation at the University of Malta and worked as a conservator in private practice in France and the UK. She is the coordinator for the Modern Materials and Contemporary Art working group of ICOM-CC and sits on the steering committee of the International Network for the Conservation of Contemporary Art (INCCA). Rachel holds a master's degree in paintings conservation from Paris I- Sorbonne and received her PhD from the Universite de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.