Dear INCCA Community, We hope you enjoyed the first INCCA Café: Student & Early Career Research on 14th March! The presentations centred around time-based media, while the group discussion allowed the...
Dear INCCA Community, We hope you are doing well in this transition of season. In this newsletter, we are excited to announce the Call for Participation for the INCCA Café: Student & Early Career...
Dear INCCA Community, Greetings to everyone! We have exciting news to share with you. After the Call for participation, we are thrilled to announce this INCCA Café: Student & Early Career Research on...
Dear INCCA Community, We hope you had a good time during the holidays and would like to wish you a great year ahead. In this edition, we want to invite all students and early career conservators (2...
Dear INCCA Community, We would like to wish you early happy holidays as we approach the end of the year. In this end-of-year edition, we would like to share an exciting meet-up between INCCA Asia...
Dear INCCA Community, During this transition of season, we would like to share some exciting news with you. Between 18th and 22nd September, ICOM-CC took place in Valencia, Spain. As some of you might...
Dear INCCA Community, We hope you are all well. If you are participating in the conference Future Talks 023 in November, you can also join the INCCA Speed mentoring session on 9th November, 15:00 - 16...
Dear INCCA Community, Hope you are all well after the holiday season! INCCA is back on track with organising new programs and setting up new events. Keep an eye on our LinkedIn and Instagram to stay...
Hello INCCA Community, In this newsletter edition, we would like to share with you what INCCA has worked on this year so far. In the meantime, we are also organising other events for the future so...
Dear INCCA friends, We hope you are well at the beginning of this second half of the year! We have an exciting event coming up and we are calling for participation! On 5th October, we are hosting...