INCCA Newsletter: February 2024

incca cafe
Gretchen Bender's Dumping Core on display at MoMA in 2022. Daniella B. Villamil.

Dear INCCA Community,

Greetings to everyone! We have exciting news to share with you. After the Call for participation, we are thrilled to announce this INCCA Café: Student & Early Career Research on 14th March CET 1pm (Amsterdam 1pm/London 12pm/Gweru 2pm/Seoul 9pm/Mexico City 6am/LA 5am/New York 8am)! Presentations will be given by Willa Ratz, Vittoria Gelati, Anna Mladentseva, Daniella Briceño Villamil and Brian Dunbar, and Loreal Vos. Topics will touch upon the documentation, display, and preservation of contemporary art, including time-based media works, software-based art & design and South African artists’ books, including a case study on the immersive artwork Lobe of the Lung by Swiss artist Pipilotti Rist. You can find their bio and the link to register for the Café here. We hope to see you there!

On another note, we would like to restate the essential feature of as a conference - which is the function of posting by the INCCA Community. The INCCA website is an interactive digital platform to find as well as share news, events, and resources on the conservation of modern and contemporary art. The site is unique as it also houses (descriptions of) documents created by INCCA members that are otherwise inaccessible. If you would like to know more about this, visit here. You can also learn more about INCCA’s history here.

Best wishes,

INCCA Steering Committee

INCCA Café: Student & Early Career Research

We are excited to announce the INCCA Café: Student & Early Career Research on the 14th of March, 1pm CET (Amsterdam 1pm/London 12pm/Gweru 2pm/Seoul 9pm/Mexico City 6am/LA 5am/New...
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INCCA Coordinator

Objects Conservator for Contemporary Art

The Conservator will report to the Head of either Inorganic or Organic Objects team at the Heritage Conservation Centre and to the Director for Curatorial & Collections at the...

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Birte Koehler

Vacancy: Postdoctoral Fellow 75%, SNSF Performance: Conservation,…

Bern University of Applied Sciences – Academy of the Arts (HKB) is one of the leading Art Universities in Europe with a broad range of Bachelor and Master Programmes, a variety of...

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Hanna Hölling

Just published: Conservation of Contemporary Art: Bridging the Ga…

This open access book investigates whether and how theoretical findings and insights in contemporary art conservation can be translated into the daily work practices of...

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Dusan Barok