The Experimental Television Center’s Video History Project is an on-going research initiative which documents video art and community television, as it evolved in rural and urban New York State, and...
The website of the American Film Institute (AFI), founder of the National Center for Film and Video Preservation (1984), provides an informative page with explanations about the disappearance of our...
The company Vidipax (since 1975, New York, USA) is dedicated to restoring magnetic tape and keeping the stored information accessible and usable in the future. The website offers information on the...
Rhizome is a nonprofit organisation, founded in 1996 (New York, USA). Rhizome offers an online platform for the global new media art community. The programs and services support the creation...
The Electronic Media Group (EMG) is a specialty group within the American Institute for the Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC) for the preservation of electronic art, electronic-based...
The website of Electronic Arts Intermix (New York, USA) provides the online catalogue of EAI's collection. The collection represents a broad survey of international media art, from seminal works of...
The aims of the C3: Center for Culture & Communication Foundation (Budapest) are the cultural application and creative employment of new scientific and technological discoveries, the research...
The Daniel Langlois Foundation (established in 1997) is a private non-profit organisation whose purpose is to further artistic and scientific knowledge by fostering the meeting of art and science in...
As a cultural institution, the Center for Art and Media (ZKM) in Karlsruhe holds a unique position in the world. It responds to the rapid developments in information technology and today's changing...
Hartware medien kunst verein in Dortmund was founded in 1996 by the curators Hans D. Christ and Iris Dressler as an open platform occupying itself with the production, presentation and the discourses...