The "Artists' Bibliography on Techniques and Materials used by Contemporary Artist / Artists - Bibliography. / Le tecniche e i materiali nell'arte contemporania", has been composed by Marina Pugliese...
Bibliographic Database of the Conservation Information Network, BCIN
BCIN is the Bibliographic Database of the Conservation Information Network and is hosted by the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN). BCIN includes a great number of references in modern and...
AATA Online is a free research database containing abstracts of literature related to the preservation and conservation of material cultural heritage. It has been managed and published by the Getty...
Prof. Monika Wagner Dept. of Art History, University of Hamburg Materials Since Plato and Aristotle, European art history has paid little attention to the materials of which artworks are made...
Conservation and Art Materials Encyclopedia Online
The Conservation and Art Materials Encyclopedia Online references the use and description of materials, their synonyms, and their compositions and properties. The encyclopedia is created by the...
Conservation OnLine is a full text library of conservation information, including a News page, 'ConsDir' for finding people involved with conservation, and a comprehensive list of fully described...
European Commission on Preservation and Access (ECPA)
Since 1994 ECPA promotes activities aimed at keeping collections in European archives and libraries accessible over time. The website provides online information on the preservation of photographs...
The website of the Getty Conservation Institute provides, among other things, an online Newsletter, e.g. on topics as the conference Mortality Immortality (1998) and a meeting on Scientific Research...
Organisation: Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France (C2RMF)
Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France (C2RMF) was established in 1998. The website of C2RMF provides an overview of research areas and methodology applied in the Labaratoire de...
Organisation: Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI)
The Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI), a Special Operating Agency within the Department of Canadian Heritage, advances and promotes the conservation of Canada's heritage collections through its...