Visit Project: Interviews in Conservation Research Project: Interviews in Conservation Research Monday, April 15, 2019 - 16:43 Sanneke Stigter
Visit Call for Papers: Digital Era Art Works in Galleries and Museums Event Call for Papers: Digital Era Art Works in Galleries and Museums Saturday, April 13, 2019 - 02:00 Dusan Barok
Visit 17th Masterclass - Advanced Textile Cleaning Event 17th Masterclass - Advanced Textile Cleaning Thursday, October 24, 2019 - 12:30 MARTA PALMEIRA
Visit 16th Masterclass - Modern Paints Cleaning Event 16th Masterclass - Modern Paints Cleaning Wednesday, July 24, 2019 - 12:00 MARTA PALMEIRA
Visit INCCA Korea just launched! INCCA Korea just launched! Friday, April 5, 2019 - 08:37 INCCA Korea
Visit POSTER : 타츠오 미야지마의 <경계를 넘어서>의 보존 POSTER : 타츠오 미야지마의 <경계를 넘어서>의 보존 Tuesday, March 26, 2019 - 10:17 Zeeyoung Chin
Visit INCCA-KOREA 글 올리기 분류 Forum topic INCCA-KOREA 글 올리기 분류 1. Blog: 본인이 쓴 글/논문. 2. Article: 외부 저자의 글/논문. 3. Event: 인카코리아 주최의 행사. 4. News: 외부 주최 행사, 채용공고, Call for paper 등. 5. Forum Topic: 게시판 기능, 질문/답변, 토론 Tuesday, March 26, 2019 - 05:28 Nani Lew
Visit INCCA Korea 첫 번째 컨퍼런스 토픽 선정 Forum topic INCCA Korea 첫 번째 컨퍼런스 토픽 선정 6월달에 열릴 INCCA Korea의 첫 번째 컨퍼런스 토픽에 대해 토론해 보아요. 여러가지 의견 올려주세요. Tuesday, March 26, 2019 - 05:05 Zeeyoung Chin
Visit (Buyeo, Korea) Adhesives & Consolidants 접착제 워크샵 (Buyeo, Korea) Adhesives & Consolidants 접착제 워크샵 Tuesday, March 26, 2019 - 04:53 Zeeyoung Chin
Visit Workshop: "Documentation and Risk Assessment of Complex Time-Based Media Artwork". May 13-14, 2019, Boston, MA, USA Workshop: "Documentation and Risk Assessment of Complex Time-Based Media Artwork". May 13-14, 2019, Boston, MA, USA Thursday, March 21, 2019 - 21:50 Flavia Perugini
Visit Visiting Professor position in Brazil: Contemporary Theory on Social Memory and Preservation of Cultural Property and Practices Visiting Professor position in Brazil: Contemporary Theory on Social Memory and Preservation of Cultural Property and Practices Wednesday, March 13, 2019 - 16:35 Magali Melleu Sehn
Visit Sign up to the INCCA speed mentoring session in Maastricht Sign up to the INCCA speed mentoring session in Maastricht Tuesday, March 12, 2019 - 10:28 INCCA Coordinator