Registration is now open for a full week of audiovisual archiving knowledge and experience sharing: both the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives’ 50th Annual Conference and the Joint Technical Symposium, stewarded by the Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archiving Associations, will be taking place at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision in Hilversum from September 30 – October 5. We’re happy to announce that registration for both events is now open! Save your seat for both or either event at 2019.iasa-web.org and jts2019.com.
#IASA50: IASA will be returning to the country of its birth, as the association was established in 1969 in Amsterdam to function as a medium for international co-operation between archives that preserve recorded sound and audiovisual documents. The preliminary programme is available at http://2019.iasa-web.org/programme. Do visit the conference website for more information about the conference, such as the programme, venue, travel advice, social events, information on workshops and tutorials, professional visits and other details: http://2019.iasa-web.org/. Please note that the “early bird” registration rate ends on September 2, 2019.
#JTS2019: JTS is the international scientific and technical symposium dealing with matters of particular importance to audiovisual archives and archivists. It provides an opportunity for audiovisual archiving experts from different backgrounds to come together, share new and upcoming technical advances in our field, and take positions that go beyond the boundaries of specific formats or domains. It is an occasion to inform each other about what’s going on in our field and seek cross-fertilization. Organized every few years since 1983 by the various audiovisual archives associations now forming the CCAAA, it provides an opportunity for colleagues around the world and those interested in the field to meet and share information about the preservation of original image and sound materials. Keep an eye on the website for updates: jts2019.com