INCCA members are dedicated to developing, sharing and preserving knowledge needed for the conservation of modern and contemporary art. INCCA is a network of like-minded professionals connected to the conservation of modern and contemporary art.
Copies for Climate Workshop, Online and Free, 16 September 2022. [Organised as part of the conference Reshaping the Collectible: Learning Through Change, Tate]

Call for Papers and Posters: ICOM-CC Modern Materials & Contemporary Art & Textiles Virtual Joint Interim Meeting
INCCA Speed Mentoring Session during Sustaining Art
Newsletter Issue
INCCA Newsletter: September 2022
INCCA Revisiting Interviews: The Artist Assistant
Sustaining Art: People, Practice, Planet in Contemporary Art Conservation

Now available online: "Mortality Immortality? The Legacy of 20th-Century Art"
Applications now open: Conservation Guest Scholars Program 2023-2024
Vacancy - University Assistant (prae doc), The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

INCCA Café Peer Forums on Replication
INCCA Café with Tate, London: Remaking, Remastering, Reproducing
Date and time