Academy of Fine Arts ViennaDate and time
-Dear colleagues and friends,
We are pleased to announce our upcoming symposium Preserving Liveliness on December 16th, 2022.
The symposium will also be held online, via Zoom: //tinyurl.com/zoom-to-BAC.
Please find all invitation details below.
Carolin Bohlmann & Katja Sterflinger
A…kademie der bildenden Künste Wien
Institute for Conservation Restoration / Modern and Contemporary Art
Institute for Natural Sciences and Technology in the Arts
Preserving Liveliness
16.12.2022, 9 – 18 h
Symposium of the Institute for Conservation–Restoration/ Modern and Contemporary Art and the Institute for Natural Sciences and Technology in the Art of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna on the Handling of Processual, Organic and Living Materials in Contemporary Art.
Concept: Carolin Bohlmann (IKR) / Katja Sterflinger (INTK)
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Conference Room, Ground Floor Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna
Registration is not required, participation is free of charge.
The conference will address conservation issues regarding living processual materials, and transient, processual, and performative artworks - questions that have increasingly preoccupied the field of conservation in recent years. Topics related to the collaboration with natural scientists, curators, climatologists, and pest control specialists will be discussed as well as options of how to exhibit, perceive, collect, document and preserve these works of art.
9:30 Uhr
Welcoming: Johan F. Hartle, Rektor der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien
Introduction: Carolin Bohlmann, Institut für Konservierung-Restaurierung
Katja Sterflinger, Institut für Naturwissenschaften und Technologie in der Kunst
10:00 Keynote:
Regine Rapp, Kunsthistorikerin, Kuratorin, Art Laboratory Berlin
Living Matter in Time and Space. Über Zeit-Raum-Konzepte und Materialästhetik lebender Kunst
Coline Ardouin, Restauratorin, Bern
Caring for living plants in the museum – An ecosophical perspective
11:30 Coffee break
Margit Laimer, Pflanzenbiotechnologin und Pflanzenvirologin, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
Coproduktion von Kunstwerken und Darstellung wissenschaftlicher Inhalte
Franziska Weinberger, Kunsthistorikerin, Wien
Grow = konfus & anspruchsvoll. Zur Arbeit von Lois Weinberger
13.00 Lunch break
Tina Hierl, Restauratorin, Museum moderner Kunst, Stiftung Ludwig, Wien
Mumok und die Pflanzen - eine Geschichte aus dem Alltag einer Museumsrestaurator_in
Anne Biber, Restauratorin, Museum für angewandte Kunst, Wien
Ein Wald im Museum
Pascal Querner, Entomologe, Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien
Schädlinge an lebenden Pflanzen und modernen Kunstobjekten in Museen
15:30 Coffee break
Katja Sterflinger, Mikrobiologin, Institut für Naturwissenschaften und Technologie in der Kunst, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien
The good, the bad, and the ugly: can we win against the molds?
Ina Jessen, Kunsthistorikerin, Kuratorin, Dieter Roth Museum Hamburg
Das Schimmelmuseum (1991-2004) von Dieter Roth
Kulminationspunkt materialspezifischer Prozesse in architektonischer und werkimmanenter Transformation