Visit Reshaping the Collectible: Tony Conrad’s Ten Years Alive on the Infinite Plain at Tate Liverpool Reshaping the Collectible: Tony Conrad’s Ten Years Alive on the Infinite Plain at Tate Liverpool Thursday, May 2, 2019 - 15:35 Pip Laurenson
Visit INCCA Update, April 26, 2019 Newsletter Issue INCCA Update, April 26, 2019 Friday, April 26, 2019 - 16:33 INCCA Coordinator
Visit The INCCA Mentoring Programme off to a good start The INCCA Mentoring Programme off to a good start Friday, April 26, 2019 - 16:11 INCCA Coordinator
Visit Positions at HKB: Two lecturers in Conservation and Restoration of Contemporary Art specializing in Media and/or Materials Positions at HKB: Two lecturers in Conservation and Restoration of Contemporary Art specializing in Media and/or Materials Tuesday, April 23, 2019 - 15:04 INCCA Coordinator
Visit INCCA-AP Profile: Cheng Shiu University Conservation Centre, Kaohsiung, Taiwan INCCA-AP Profile: Cheng Shiu University Conservation Centre, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Tuesday, April 23, 2019 - 13:49 Anne Carter
Visit INCCA-AP Profile: Pacific Island Arts Fono INCCA-AP Profile: Pacific Island Arts Fono Tuesday, April 23, 2019 - 13:27 Anne Carter
Visit Masi (Bark cloth) workshop at the Fiji Museum Masi (Bark cloth) workshop at the Fiji Museum Tuesday, April 23, 2019 - 12:52 Anne Carter
Visit Reflections on an internship in TIME-BASED MEDIA at Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamāki Reflections on an internship in TIME-BASED MEDIA at Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamāki Tuesday, April 23, 2019 - 12:32 Anne Carter
Visit Call for submissions: Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Arts of the EBA-UFMG Call for submissions: Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Arts of the EBA-UFMG Tuesday, April 23, 2019 - 09:48 INCCA Coordinator
Visit Position at GCI: Project Specialist Modern and Contemporary Art Position at GCI: Project Specialist Modern and Contemporary Art Monday, April 22, 2019 - 09:39 INCCA Coordinator
Visit Conservation of Media Arts - With the focus on Case study on Nam June Paik’s Video Art - Conservation of Media Arts - With the focus on Case study on Nam June Paik’s Video Art - Friday, April 19, 2019 - 14:04 ken kim