INCCA members are dedicated to developing, sharing and preserving knowledge needed for the conservation of modern and contemporary art. INCCA is a network of like-minded professionals connected to the conservation of modern and contemporary art.
HOW TO ... 글 올리는 방법
Conservation of Media Arts - With the focus on Case study on Nam June Paik’s Video Art -
Call for papers: NZCCM 2019 National Conference
From Collection Management to Content Management in Art Documentation: The Conservator as an Editor
Project: Interviews in Conservation Research
Call for Papers: Digital Era Art Works in Galleries and Museums
17th Masterclass - Advanced Textile Cleaning
16th Masterclass - Modern Paints Cleaning
INCCA Korea just launched!
POSTER : 타츠오 미야지마의 <경계를 넘어서>의 보존
Forum topic
INCCA-KOREA 글 올리기 분류
1. Blog: 본인이 쓴 글/논문.
2. Article: 외부 저자의 글/논문.
3. Event: 인카코리아 주최의 행사.
4. News: 외부 주최 행사, 채용공고, Call for paper 등.
5. Forum Topic: 게시판 기능, 질문/답변, 토론