The Inside Installations Glossary is a product of literature search and analysis of lectures and discussions during the project Inside Installations. Preservation and Presentation of Installation Art...
Inside Installations: Research on Theory and Semantics (2007)
As part of the European research project Inside Installations: Preservation and Presentation of Installations Art (2004-2007) special research was conducted into the subject of theory and semantics...
Inside Installations: Research on Documentation and Archiving Strategies (2007)
Today many museums are using digitised collection management systems for documentation and maintenance of their artworks. These systems have been developed for traditional art (paintings, sculptures...
Inside Installations: Research on Preservation Strategies (2007)
As part of the European research project Inside Installations: Preservation and Presentation of Installations Art (2004-2007) special research was conducted into the subject of preservation strategies...
Inside Installations: Research on Artist Participation (2007)
As part of the European research project Inside Installations: Preservation and Presentation of Installations Art (2004-2007) special research was conducted into the subject of artist participation...
An INCCA affiliated project. The European project Inside Installations. Preservation and Presentation of Installations Art took place between June 2004 and August 2007. 33 case studies of installation...
PhD Research: On Production, Presentation, Preservation and Perception of Technology-Based Installation Art
PhD Research Project by Vivian van Saaze Supervisors Promotor: Prof. Dr. R. Zwijnenberg (Faculty of Arts and Culture, Maastricht University) Co-promotor: Dr. R. van de Vall (Faculty of Arts and...
Inside Installations (part II) exhibition Kröller-Müller Museum
Exhibition dates: March 21st, 2007 - June 3rd, 2007 Kröller-Müller Museum Houtkampweg 6, Otterlo, The Netherlands A special exhibition has been organised by conservator Sanneke Stigter around the...
In June 2003 the Daniel Langlois Foundation and the Guggenheim Museum launched the Variable Media Questionnaire. The variable media initiative was developed in 1998 by Jon Ippolito, an associate...
Project: Archiving the Avant Garde: Documenting and Preserving Variable Media Art (2001)
Organiser: CIAO Consortium Proposed Project: November 2001 Archiving the Avant Garde: Documenting and Preserving Variable Media Art is a collaborative project to develop, document, and disseminate...