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#architecturalpaintresearch #APR #architecturalfinishesresearch #AFR #historicalfinishes #buildingconservation #builtheritage #paintanalysis #colour #color #paintwork #decoration #contemporaryart #conservation #multimedia #performaceart #performance #time-based media #fluxus #1960s #contemporaryart #conservation #multimedia #sound #installationart #contemporaryart #conservation #multimedia #sound #installationart #time-based media #contemporaryart #conservation #multimedia #sound #installationart #time-based media #fluxus #1960s #opportunity #research #conservation #microscopy #time-based media #multimedia #performanceart #español #português #newmediaart #artedenuevosmedios 3d digital scanning 3d documentation 3d model 3d print 1960s-70s art and culture @artistinterview @printmaking @preservation acrylic acrylic paint action art adhesion aesthetics AFR ageing alkyd paint alkyd varnish alteration aluminium amber resin analysis APR architecturalfinishesresearch architecturalpaintresearch archiving Arno River art art history artificial ageing artificial fur art in architecture artist's materials artist archive artist assistant artist book artist estate Artist Foundation artistic context artistic techniques artist intent artist interview artist life artist paint artist participation artist questionnaire artist statement artist studio artist technique artwork on paper assemblage audio audio restoration audiotape audiovisual authenticity automobile paint ballpoint pen bark Bern big black and white photography bone book books bronze buildingconservation builtheritage call for papers Call for papers/ posters call for posters canvas canvas painting cast resin CD-ROM cement ceramic charcoal pencil cleaning Cleaning systems coating collaboration collage collecting collection management plan collection management system (CMS) color color slides colour colour photograph colour slides commercial coatings comparative study complex object computer conceptual integrity conceptual work conservation conservation agents conservation management conservation of technology-based installations conservation philosophy conservation research conservation technology conservation theory Consolidants consolidation consolidation of matt surface contemporary contemporary art contemporary art : who cares? contemporary art conservation contemporary conservation context controlled heat controlled vocabulary controversy cotton duck cotton support cracks crate crepe tape CRT projectors damage damage (climate) database data management data storage decision-making decision-making model decoration degradation design digital-born digital art digital photography digital preservation digital print digitisation direct download dirt display documentary documentation drawing editing education electronic media electronic parts Embodied knowledge environment ephemeral epoxy EPS ethics evaluation event exhibition experience experiment extra large painting FELLOWSHIP felt tip pen feminism fibre film flood Florence flourescent light Fluxus food found object frame ftir (fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) funded PhD position fungus gilding glass glossary gouache green materials guideline heliogravure help heritage high voltage light tube historicalfinishes HKB hole ICOM-CC imaging incca INCCA-AP INCCA-Asia Pacific INCCA Cafés INCCA mentoring programme INCCA project INCCA Talks INCCA Update indigenous knowledge industrial paint infrared light infrared spectroscopy ink install installation art installation instruction intangible intent intentional destruction interactive internet iron iron sculpture isobutyl methacrylate polymer Italy kinetic art lacquer lacuna large scale installations laser treatment latex leaking led Leeum Museum of Art library light light installation linseed oil literature live animal living heritage loss loss of paint LSBU maintenance material analysis materiality matte surface meaning mechanical damage media conservation member document metal metal sculpture metal soap methylcellulose minimalist mixed media mixed media on canvas modern art : who cares? monitor Monitoring monochrome monochrome painting movement moving image Mud Mud Angels mural painting NACCA Nam June Paik Nam June Paik Art Center nanotechnology natural ageing neon light tube net art new media art obsolescence oil based paint oil paint oil painting oil paint on canvas opportunity optical microscopy organisation outdoor painted sculpture outdoor patination outdoor sculpture Packaging paint paintanalysis painting paintwork panels paper paper (tracing paper) patina perception performance performance art performance conservation philosophy photo camera photograph photographic paper Photographs photography pigment pigment analysis pigments plaster plastic plastic - polystereen plastic coated cloth plastics playlist plywood poly-Methylmethacrylate (PMMA) polyether urethane rubber (PUR) polypropelene polystyrene foam polyurethane positive transparency postcolonial Poster presentation presentation/installation preservation preservation guidelines preservation of digital medium preventive conservation preventive conservation guidelines process production project Protective coatings public public art publication PVA Raman analysis RCE 20th Century Heritage re-installation reconstruction registration reinstallation relining remains of tape repair replacement replication reproduction resin restoration retouching risk roles rope rubber scientific analysis Scientific investigation Sculpture Sellotape semantics sensitive surface SFMOMA site specific slide duplication slide projectors Slides soap software solvent sound sculpture space speakers spray starch stone storage strategy students surface cleaning surface treatment Survey synthetic materials synthetic paint synthetic resins tape Tate TBM teaching team-work tear tears technical equipment technical maintenance technique technology-based tempera terminology textile textiles theory thesis time-based media titanium white training programme UK residents UV fluorescence uv luminescence vacancy values vandalism varnish video video installation video player video recording video sculpture VoCA VoCA Talk wall wall painting water colour Wax website white wiki software wood workshop youth zinc