Call for Contribution to the Speed Exchange at the ICOM-CC Modern Materials & Contemporary Art and Textiles Virtual Joint Interim Meeting
The ICOM-CC Modern Materials & Contemporary Art and Textiles Working Groups are planning an informative Speed Exchange Session for the upcoming Joint Interim Meeting on Semi-synthetic and Synthetic...
Looking for an early career INCCA Steering Committee member 2023!
Call for abstracts: Architectural Finishes Research
The 8th International Architectural Finishes Research Conference organizing committee is sending out a call for papers and posters for its next meeting in Amsterdam, May 29- June 1, 2024. Submissions...
Recap - INCCA Talk: Richard Mudariki with Davison Chiwara
New approaches to the contemporary art conservation: multidisciplinarity as a work axis
Contemporary art is increasingly complex and ephemeral. This seminar aims to offer some approaches to the current state of Contemporary art conservation around four thematic tables. With the...
Now available online: "The Artist Interview in Conservation - A Guide"
The freely accessible online publication "The Artist Interview in Conservation - A Guide" is a collection of information and findings gained via theoretical engagement with the interview research...
Vacancy - Conservator (Textiles), Heritage Conservation Centre (HCC)
Recap - INCCA Revisiting Interviews: The Artist Assistant
Object - Event - Performance: Art, Materiality, and Continuity Since the 1960s
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