Conservation of Polyurethane Foam in Art and Design by Thea van Oosten 128 pages | 50 colour plates | 6 3/4 x 9 1/2 | Amsterdam University Press, 2011 Flexible Polyurethane (PUR) foams have been used...
The ‘Queen of Plastics’ has been knighted. Thea van Oosten, conservation scientist at the Cultural Heritage Agency of The Netherlands, has been recognized for her outstanding contribution to the field...
2012 07 Masterclass tear mending for canvas paintings
COURSE: “Thread-by-thread tear mending for canvas paintings” with Petra Demuth VENUE Universidad Politécnica de Valencia DATES July 2012 GOALS The workshop aims to familiarize conservators with the...
Project: NeCCAR The Network for the Conservation of Contemporary Art Research (2012-2014)
This three-year international research network funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) aims to develop joint research projects and a training curriculum on the theory...
NeCCAR - the Network for Conservation of Contemporary Art Research will be holding a meeting this Friday (18 May 2012) at the Museo del Novecento in Milan. For details in Italian see this PDF...
Conservation Studies at the University of Oslo will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Edvard Munch (1863-1944) by hosting an international conference. Public paintings by Edvard Munch...
2012-06 Symposium announcement: The Age of Plastic
THE AGE OF PLASTIC - INGENUITY + RESPONSIBILITYAn Interdisciplinary SymposiumStone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age...and now the Age of Plastic. The Smithsonian Institution is leveraging its collections...
2012 New publication: Born-digital artworks in the Netherlands
The amount of computer-based art, referred to as ‘Born Digital Art’, has increased enormously over the past few years. This has increased the necessity to pay attention to the conservation strategy...
2012 05 Last places for workshop Porto: Varnishes for Paintings
20|21 Conservação e Restauro are pleased to to announce the next masterclass they are preparing in Porto, Portugal: "Varnishes for Paintings. results from recent research, and practical applications"...
In 2012, the SBMK (Foundation for the Conservation for the Conservation of Contemporary Art in the Netherlands) is organising two study-days on 'plastic textiles' . The first of these will be about...