2012-06: Conference London: Engaging the Artist's Voice

Posted on Wed, 05/23/2012 - 11:22


Engaging the Artist’s Voice: Museums, galleries and artists working in collaboration

A free conference hosted by the British Museum in partnership with Arts Council England

29 June, 11.00 – 17.30, British Museum


Conference themes include:

·         Audiences and Artists: explorations into successful partnerships

·         The dialogue between objects and art

·         Working with the artist’s creative voice


Speakers will discuss the challenges, achievements and potential of artistic collaborations, with practical advice on how to engage in new collaborations. Confirmed speakers include Neil MacGregor and Liz Forgan.

The conference is aimed at museums and galleries across the UK as well as artists and existing British Museum partners. It will provide a valuable opportunity for networking as well as to explore the conference themes.

RSVP by the 8th June by e-mailing: ukpartnerships@britishmuseum.org



Download conference invitation here