{gallery}galleries/r2r_home{/gallery} Two artworks by Dutch artist Wil Fruytier have been used to illustrate this process. Fête I en Fête II, both created in 1969, are large wall tapestries woven from...
Job: conservator modern materials / preventative conservation, Norway
Please find here a link to details about a job opening for a conservator for modern materials / preventive conservation at the Museums of South-Trøndelag (MiST), Norway http://ringve.no/conservator...
Conference announcement: Conserving Modernity: the Articulation of Innovation
North American Textile Conservation Conference (NATCC) "Conserving Modernity: the Articulation of Innovation" Synthetics. New ideas to old problems. Wearable art. Creative treatment solutions...
The Conservation program supports the professional practice of art conservation, especially as it relates to European art of the pre-modern era. Grants are awarded to projects that create and...
Internships at Smithsonian's Museum Conservation Institute
2013 Summer Internships Museum Conservation Institute The Smithsonian's Museum Conservation Institute (MCI) is offering short-term opportunities to work on research and conservation projects with...
Fellowships at Balboa Art Conservation Center - 2013
Mellon Fellowships in Painting and Paper Conservation Balboa Art Conservation Center (BACC) The Balboa Art Conservation Center (BACC), is offering two one-year, post graduate Mellon Fellowships-one...
ICCROM International Summer School Communication and Teaching Skills in Conservation and Science 15-26 July 2013 Rome, Italy Why: Successful interdisciplinary collaboration is essential for meaningful...
SCART: website on preservation of audio-visual heritage
Evolutions like the rapid obsolescence of technologies and formats, the leap from the analogue to the digital realm and the ever-growing production of audio-visual materials create great challenges to...
Report on the conference Collecting and Presenting Born-Digital Art
Jesse de Vos reports on the conference Collecting and Presenting Born-Digital Art. Jesse works at The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision as an embedded researcher from VU University Amsterdam...
Interesting article about the conservation of contemporary art at www.swissinfo.ch http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/culture/Saving_contemporary_art_from_self-destruction.html?cid=34059038