Presentations Workshop Media Art Conservation (University of Amsterdam/LIMA)

Posted on Mon, 01/28/2013 - 09:38
On 1 February, students of the master Presentation and Preservation of the Moving Image at the University of Amsterdam will present the research they have done during a month-long workshop on the conservation of media art.
The workshop on Conservation and Restoration of New Media Art took place in the Sustainability Lab at LIMA, Arie Biemondstraat 111, Amsterdam. The students, professionals from the new Living Media Art (LIMA) Foundation, and Ellen Jansen, lecturer in Conservation and Restoration of Modern and Contemporary Art at the University of Amsterdam, investigated four case studies. During the workshop, the students documented all components of the artworks, researched their technological, conceptual and art-historical history, and consulted various specialists, including the artists themselves. 
After the presentations of the case studies it will be possible to visit a small exhibition of the artworks in question. 
Entrance is free but guests are kindly requested to register at
Date: 1 Februari
Time: 13.30-16.30 o'clock
Locatie: LIMA Smart Space, Arie Biemondstraat 105-113, Amsterdam
13.30-13.45: Reception and introduction
13.45-14.15: Presentation Chill Cave – Gerald van der Kaap en Peter Giele (1992)
14.15-14.45: Presentation Pompeii – Boris Gerrets (1989)
14.45-15.15: Presentation Dislocations – Martijn Veldhoen (1998)
15.15-15.45: Presentation Palinuro – Nol de Koning (1989-2002)
15.45-16.00: Conclusion presentation results workshop
16.00-16.30: Book presentation Preserving and Exhibiting Media Art. Challenges and Perspectives
16.30-18.00: Drinks