INCCA members are dedicated to developing, sharing and preserving knowledge needed for the conservation of modern and contemporary art. INCCA is a network of like-minded professionals connected to the conservation of modern and contemporary art.
CCI Staffing Process: Senior Conservation Scientist / Processus de dotation de l’ICC : poste de scientifique principal(e) en conservation
Save the date: Picture Meeting November 1st, 2019
Publication: Tempera Painting between 1800 and 1950: Experiments and Innovations from the Nazarene Movement to Abstract Art
LACMA is looking for an Assistant Conservator of Objects
INCCA-AP Profile: Indonesian Visual Art Archive, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
INCCA-AP Profile: The South East Asia Pacific Audio Visual Archives Association
The Explicit Material: Inquiries on the Intersection of Curatorial and Conservation Cultures - new anthology
Book: Sam Francis: The Artist's Materials (2019)
Newsletter Issue