Magali Melleu Sehn
Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMGDepartment
Belas ArtesAddress
Av. Antnio Carlos 6627
Belo Horizonte
Minas Gerais
Member Since
Member since November 11, 2008
What is your education and/or training?
Associate Professor of the Conservation-Restoration Course of the Federal University of Minas Gerais.GRADUATION: Bachelor in Painting at University Federal de Pelotas- Rio Grande do Sul- Brazil 1982-1986
POSTGRADUATION: Specialization in Conservation and Restouration of Paintings and sculptures
CECOR- Centre for Conservation and Restouration of Movable Cultural Properties -7th course.
University Fedreal de Minas Gerais- Belo Horizonte- Brazil. March 17- December 12-1986
MASTER DEGREE: Contemporary Art: procedures of conservation.University of So Paulo. ECAUSP. 1999 -2002
TRAINING: . Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia- MNCARS.Madrid- Spain. Study of Conservation of Contemporary Art. May 26- November 26-1995
VITAE Foundation
INTERNATIONAl COURSES:. Instituto de Conservacin y Restauracin de Bienes Culturales-ICRBC
Madrid- Spain
Course of laboratory techniques for Conservation
November 6-10- 1995
. Instituto de Conservation y Restauration de Bienes Culturales- ICRBC
Preventive Conservation
November 13-27- 1995
VITAE Foundation ICRBC
Thesis: A preservação de instalações de Arte de com ênfase no contexto brasileiro: discussões teóricas e metodológicas. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Donato Ferrari. Universidade de São Paulo ECA/USP. 2006-2010.