Announcement of the publication of a CeROArt special issue, dedicated to "Conservation: cultures and connections" Theory and History of Conservation Working Group The essays and shorter texts...
Call for papers: Conference on teaching conservation
Conference “Teaching Conservation-Restoration” and ENCoRE General Assembly 26. March 2014 Conference “Teaching Conservation-Restoration” CALL for PAPERS - Deadline 20. December 2013 - read more in the...
20|21 Conservação e Restauro, a Portuguese contemporary art conservation studio, has invited René de la Rie, Jill Whitten and Robert Proctor to teach a 3 day course aimed at paintings conservators. In...
IIC 2014 Hong Kong Congress call for student posters
Deadline: Monday, 3 March, 2014 IIC is delighted to announce a call for abstracts for the 2014 IIC Hong Kong Congress Student Poster Session. The aim of this session is to provide a peer-reviewed...
Edited by Sean Cubitt and Paul Thomas Overview In Relive, leading historians of the media arts grapple with this dilemma: how can we speak of “new media” and at the same time write the histories of...
Lecture: Consolidating Adhesives for the Conservation of Painted Cultural Objects
Consolidating Adhesives for the Conservation of Painted Cultural Objects A New Research Initiative Rebecca Ploeger*#, Christopher McGlinchey†, E. Rene de la Rie%& *National Gallery of Art, Washington...
Media Art Histories 2013: RENEW The 5th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology October 8–11, 2013 RIGA, Latvia The 5th International Conference on the Histories...
Conservation Fellowships 2013/2014 Conservation Center The Los Angeles County Museum of Art The Conservation Center at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art is seeking applications for two IMLS grant...
IIC 2013 Student & Emerging Conservator Conference - video recording
IIC's second Student & Emerging Conservator Conference took place in Copenhagen on Thursday 12 & Friday 13 September 2013. Following on from the successful 2011 London Student & Emerging Conservator...
Applications for GCI internships 2014-2015 now available
Interested in being a Getty Conservation Institute Graduate Intern next year? Applications for the 2014-2015 internships are available now.