'The Digital Preservation Coalition (DCP) is an advocate and catalyst for digital preservation, enabling our members to deliver resiliant and long-term access to content and services, and helping them...
The Independent Media Arts Alliance is a non-profit national arts service organization that promotes and advances the interests of a vibrant media arts community. Representing over 80 independent film...
Membership requirements for INCCA (International Network for the Conservation of Contemporary Art) have been revised and simplified. Membership remains free but you are no longer obliged to submit...
The amount of computer-based art, referred to as ‘Born Digital Art’, has increased enormously over the past few years. This has increased the necessity to pay attention to the conservation strategy...
2012 RCE looking for freelance conservation scientist
The Cultural Heritage Agency of The Netherlands (RCE) is looking to contract a freelance conservation scientist for 400 hours. Please send your quote before June 15, 2012. We can consider quotes if: -...
Organisations with internship and fellowship programmes
Calls for internships and fellowships are announced via www.incca.org in the News section or under the menu item Opportunities. Below are links to organisations who host interns and fellows on a...
2012 3rd print for Conservation Treatment Methodology
Barbara Appelbaum's book Conservation Treatment Methodology has been re-printed for the 3rd time and is now available at Amazon.com. Conservation Treatment Methodology is a practical guide to decision...
2012-06: Conference London: Engaging the Artist's Voice
Engaging the Artist’s Voice: Museums, galleries and artists working in collaboration A free conference hosted by the British Museum in partnership with Arts Council England 29 June, 11.00 – 17.30...
Inside out Victory Boogie Woogie A Material History of Mondrian's Masterpiece Maarten van Bommel, Hans Janssen, Ron Spronk Victory Boogie Woogie, Mondrian’s unfinished masterpiece created in 1942-44...
Book: POPART project book on the Preservation of plastic artefacts in museum collections
The POPART consortium has released a book presenting the results of the research done through the 4 years of POPART project. "Preservation of plastic artefacts in museum collections" This book is not...