Conservation Fellowships 2013/2014 Conservation Center The Los Angeles County Museum of Art The Conservation Center at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art is seeking applications for two IMLS grant...
IIC 2013 Student & Emerging Conservator Conference - video recording
IIC's second Student & Emerging Conservator Conference took place in Copenhagen on Thursday 12 & Friday 13 September 2013. Following on from the successful 2011 London Student & Emerging Conservator...
Applications for GCI internships 2014-2015 now available
Interested in being a Getty Conservation Institute Graduate Intern next year? Applications for the 2014-2015 internships are available now.
Call for papers: 'Conservation on Exhibition' symposium
"Conservation on Exhibition" - The 1st AICCM Exhibition Special Interest Group Symposium The Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material (AICCM) Exhibitions Special Interest Group...
Speculative Scenarios, or what will happen to born-digital art in the (near) future? Edited by Annet Dekker Baltan Laboratories announces Speculative Scenarios, or what will happen to digital art in...
Restoring the 'The World's First Collaborative Sentence'
From 'The World’s First Collaborative Sentence, created by Douglas Davis for a survey exhibition of his work in 1994 and donated to the Whitney in 1995, is a “classic” of Internet art...
DEADLINE EXTENDED IIC 2014 Congress: Call for Posters
The call for posters for the IIC 2014 Hong Kong Congress has now been extended... IIC is happy to announce that the deadline for submission of posters for An Unbroken History: Conserving East Asian...
Techne 37: on obselete technology and conservation
Journal of Research and Restoration of Museums of France Director C2RMF: Marie Lavandier Editor Technè: Brigitte Bourgeois Number 37 was editied by Marie-Hélène Breuil & Cecile Dazord (coordinators of...
2014 American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC) 42nd Annual Meeting Call for Papers Conscientious Conservation – Sustainable Choices in Collection Care Hyatt Regency...
The Rauschenberg Research Project provides free worldwide access to a wealth of scholarly research and documentation relating to artworks by Robert Rauschenberg in SFMOMA’s permanent collection. The...