INCCA Newsletter: March 2025

Photo: Passage by Nam June Paik, ZKM Karlsruhe.

Hello INCCA Community,

How are collection caretakers, technicians, art handlers and artists grappling with the challenges posed by cathode-ray tube-based artworks? What strategies have been adopted for their presentation and preservation? Which network of care has collecting institutions established to ensure the longevity of these works? On 20th March, 2pm CET, we will host INCCA Café: Caring for CRT-based artworks - pitfalls, solutions and current challenges! Three lightning presentations led by Incheol Kwon, Taylor Healy and Peter Oleksik will kick off the Café and inspire an informal discussion with all participants of this Call. Learn more and register for this Café here.

On another note, INCCA hosted the fourth Student Café on the 6th of February 2025, which focused on the treatment, documentation and ongoing research of challenging contemporary materials and artists who use them. For the first time, all speakers were offered one-on-one mentoring before the Café with members of the INCCA Steering Committee for support with their presentations, and to help them start to connect with professionals in the field. Given its successful feedback, INCCA now hopes to continue this for all upcoming Student Cafés. You can read the recap here.

Following that, the Call for participation of INCCA Student Café pt.5: Innovative Treatments is currently open! Presentations could focus on novel adaptations of preexisting conservation treatments, methods or equipment, new conservation materials and new ways to use them, or how a treatment had to be adapted for a complex and challenging contemporary artwork. For more details, check here. And to know more about our previous Cafés, check here. Fill in the participation request form by 28th March 2025.

We look forward to your application and/or your participation!


INCCA Steering Committee

INCCA Café: Caring for CRT-based artworks - pitfalls, solutions a…

How are collection caretakers, technicians, art handlers and artists grappling with the challenges posed by cathode-ray tube-based artworks? What strategies have been adopted for...
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INCCA Coordinator

Call for participation! – INCCA Student Café pt.5: Innovative Tre…

Call for participation! Deadline: 28th March 2025 Students and early career conservators (2 years post-graduation) of all disciplines - paintings, paper, textiles, sculpture, time...
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INCCA Coordinator

Recap INCCA Student Café pt.4: Challenges of Contemporary Materia…

INCCA hosted the fourth Student Café on the 6th of February 2025, which focused on the treatment, documentation and ongoing research of challenging contemporary materials and...
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INCCA Coordinator

Online book launch: Performance: The Ethics and the Politics of C…

Donnerstags-Vortrag #74 In the online discussion, we will present the second volume of the anthology that resulted from our project. Newly published from Routledge, and available...

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Emilie Magnin

Survey on Loan Practice and Insurance Value for Time-Based Media…

Dear INCCA Members, The Heritage Conservation Centre (HCC) has embarked on a multi-year Time-Based Media Care and Preservation Plan focused on establishing tailored policies and...

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Profile picture Fabiola Rocco