INCCA Café on Light Art
Date: 15 December, 2021
Duration: 1 hour
Time: tbc
Light-based artworks raise complex challenges in terms of their installation, documentation and conservation. How can conservators approach these works? What experiences have museums and cultural institutions gathered over the years?
The next INCCA Café will focus on the preservation of Light Art. It will take place on 15 December. The Cafés are informal opportunities to exchange knowledge and share practice. They are grassroot driven, loosely moderated forums for members to share and exchange information and experiences. Have you had experience working with Light Art? Are you interested in presenting a project or sharing research on the topic?
We would like to invite presenters for 3-5 minutes lightning talks in order to spark discussions. If interested, please send an email to Rachel Rivenc rrivenc@getty.edu by November 5th. Feel free to contact us, we are very interested in anyone to join us either from the professional field or from MA and PhD students. You can read about our first INCCA Café here.