OnlineDate and time
by Kate Seymour and Joanna Strombek Wednesdays, 29 September - 15 December 2021 (half days weekly) | Online
With support from the Getty Foundation’s Conserving Canvas Initiative, the Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg (SRAL) will host and organise a fully virtual workshop to provide instruction and hands-on experience on the ‘Mist-Lining’ technique.
The Mist-Lining system, developed at SRAL, enables the reinforcement of a canvas painting without affecting the original structure. This system can be easily adapted to accommodate structural problems presented by both ‘old master’ paintings and modern and contemporary artworks. This online workshop is designed to explain the process and discuss some of the variables of the system. Participants will be able to use knowledge gained to best solve structural issues faced by paintings under their care. The programme will offer an insightful range of lectures, presentations and videos complemented by discussion panels. These will present many factors that are considered and materials required to execute a Mist-Lining.
On completion of the course, participants will be able to consider, prepare and perform a Mist-Lining. The workshop will be given online with dedicated sessions on Wednesdays spread over twelve weeks during September to December 2021. This will allow participants to put into practice some of the Mist-Lining elements in their own studios and obtain a hands-on experience. The sessions will be divided into blocks focused on the following subjects:
- History and Ethics of Mist-Lining
- Materials for Mist-Lining
- Preparation of the Canvas and Adhesive
- Spraying Mist-Lining Adhesive
- Construction of the Low-Pressure Envelope
- Pre- and Post-treatments
- Variables of the System
- Reactivation of the Adhesive and Lining
- Case Studies
Participants will be encouraged to bring problems from their own practice with them in order to find solutions for individual cases.
Application Procedure
Applicants should submit the following: - name, contact details and affiliated institution; - a letter of motivation and a detailed CV; - a letter of recommendation; - applicants must show support of their home institution; - commitment to carrying out asynchronous practical sessions; - case studies demonstrating the approach to the structural repair of canvases in their home collection. Application Deadline: 1 August 2021. All application materials should be sent by email to info@sral.nl. Applications will be reviewed by a commission consisting of Kate Seymour, Joanna Strombek and an external. A short list of selected trainees will be approved by the Getty Foundation. Successful trainees will be informed by 1 September 2021. Commitment to all sessions will be required. The workshop language will be English. We aim for a global representation.
Workshop Details
There will be 16 places available for mid-career conservators. Preference will be given to those working in museums or for museum collections. Selected participants will have access to teaching material hosted on a dedicated platform. Live sessions, planned on Wednesdays (29th September to 15th December) will be delivered via Zoom. Participants will be expected to carry-out practical experiments. Commitment to at least 1 day per week will be expected