Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Caparica (Portugal)Date and time
-Eye Love You - The conservation of Ed van der Elsken’s 45.000 colour slides
Neon Art Conservation presents a two-day workshop on the conservation, digitization and storage of colour slides, based on a project developed at the Nederlands Fotomuseum (Rotterdam, the Netherlands).
The Nederlands Fotomuseum holds a collection of over five million objects, among which is the archive of Dutch photographer Ed van der Elsken (1925-1990). He is mostly associated to street photography, which he then used in his many photobooks. Among them, is “Eye Love You” (1972) – the revolutionary first fully colour photo book to ever be published in the Netherlands.
Even during his lifetime, van der Elsken’s archive started showing signs of biological decay in the form of mould growth, which was particularly problematic to the preservation of his 45.000 colour slides. To avoid further decay and resulting accessibility constraints, Katrin Pietsch developed a mass-treatment method to treat these colour slides within a two-year period. After a successful fundraising campaign, the project became the largest restoration project concerning photographic material in the Netherlands. Lénia Fernandes joined the Nederlands Fotomuseum in October 2016 to carry out the conservation work of the 45.000 slides. Treating that many originals gave her the opportunity to focus on gathering information regarding the material and technical aspects of this type of photographs.
In a lecture open to conservators, curators, art historians, archivists and students, more insight into the project will be given, namely about workflow development, project planning, fundraising methods, identification and dating of colour slides, treatment research and execution, digitization, access and long term cold storage.
The practical workshop is directed at conservation professionals who wish to develop skills in the treatment of colour slides. They will learn more about the condition assessment and visual identification of these photographs. Workshop participants (max. 15 people) will get the opportunity to learn hands-on about the developed mould cleaning method and are encouraged to bring examples of photographic objects for discussion.
Both the lecture and workshop will be held in English.
Thursday, September 13th
10:00 - 12:00 – Lecture
13:00 - 17:00 – Workshop, session 1
Friday, September 14th
10:00 - 12:30 – Workshop, session 2
13:30 - 17:00 – Workshop, session 3
Departamento de Conservação e Restauro
Edifício Departamental
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Campus da Caparica
2829-516 Caparica (Portugal)
Fees (per participant)
Lecture: 30 € (+ 23% VAT)
Lecture and two-day workshop: 420 € (+ 23% VAT)
For registration please fill the following form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSevzXgkoDkd5sdozH0Utzqbpx-vruz-7a80AmdhVBc2-Eie2A/viewform?c=0&w=1
Deadline for registration: 30 June
For additional information, please contact us at info@neonartconservation.com.
Neon Art Conservation, Lda.