INCCA members are dedicated to developing, sharing and preserving knowledge needed for the conservation of modern and contemporary art. INCCA is a network of like-minded professionals connected to the conservation of modern and contemporary art.
Art & Law - Identity and Conservation of Contemporary Artworks: Duties and Responsability
Vogue asks about fashion conservation

POSTERS / Conference "Authenticity in Transition", 2014 Glasgow School of Art

Stoupathis Konstantinos / The distance between the authentic artwork and the authentic meaning

Sabine Cotte / Listening, watching and reading to conserve: a collaborative project with artist Mirka Mora

Miladi Makuc Semion / Ambient M1 by Vinko Tušek - construction dilemmas 43 years later

Mikel Rotaeche González de Ubieta / Film and video in Spanish museums: cataloguing and exhibiting conflicts

Videos from International Symposium “Collecting and Conserving Performance Art”

Interview with Barbis Ruder about "DOWN DOG IN LIMBO"

Singapore Art Museum looking for a conservator