Welcome to the new and improved INCCA website! Here you will find news, events, projects, opinions and all kinds of resources on the conservation of modern and contemporary art.
Pilot project interactive digital platform
This site has been created by communications department at the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE) in a project to develop an interactive digital platform format that can be used for networks hosted by the agency. Digital platforms facilitate the sharing of news, opinions and knowledge and can be created for existing network organisations or (temporarily) for research programmes at the RCE. Platform users (in this case INCCA members) have their own account and can easily enter information into the website.
INCCA was fortunate to have been one of the first three initiatives in the pilot project and as such I have been directly involved in the creation of the format. A Dutch network for the future of religious heritage went live a few weeks ago. Have a look at their digital platform www.toekomstreligieuserfgoed.nl to see the similarities! The project will be continued in 2016 and the format developed and improved.
Knowledgebase for caretakers of modern and contemporary art
It was quite a challenge to combine the content and functions of the old incca.org with the old inccamembers.org website. The INCCA Database (previously housed at inccamembers.org) has been integrated in the new site as member documents alongside ten years of news and project archives from the old incca.org. The site is now truly a knowledgebase that stores and/or leads members to a great variety of resources on the conservation of modern and contemporary art.
Many thanks
The site was designed by Eric Meijers at Schaap Ontwerpers and built by the team at Your Source using an open source software Drupal. A great many people were involved in its development. In particular I would like to thank:
- RCE colleagues: Wanda Nijboer, Hans Schraven, Niek Bremer and Gerard de Wit.
- Members of the INCCA Steering Committee: Pip Laurenson, Tom Learner, Marina Pugliese, Meagan Smith, Barbara Sommermeyer and Paulien ‘t Hoen.
- Artist Madeleine Berkhemer for providing me with images of her work for use throughout the site.
- Ariënne Boelens and Petra Dreiskämper from Ariënne Boelens Office for inspiration and help in the early stages.
Your feedback is welcome!
A lot of content has been migrated from the old website and not all of it has been edited yet. Please be let me know if you see information that is not longer relevant or needs updating. General feedback about the site is also welcome! Send an email to info@incca.org or post your ideas in the INCCA Forum under the forum topic What do you think about the INCCA website?
Adjust your member profile
Member accounts from the old inccamembers.org have been migrated into the new website. Click on YOU and Log in to gain access to your member profile page. Your username is most likely to be your email address. So that other members can find you more easily, change your username from an email to your name under the tab account settings. Check your contact details are still correct and add a portrait.
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In order to continue receiving INCCA Updates by email, please subscribe to the newsletter by filling in your email on the homepage. INCCA members also need to sign up!
Enjoy and keep sharing!
kind regards,
Karen te Brake-Baldock, INCCA Coordinator