Closing session
The closing session of Contemporary Art: Who Cares? was lead bij Janneke Ottens, Head of Research at the Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage / ICN.
The session started with a summary of the symposium (highlights) by Tatja Scholte (ICN). This was followed by a special screening of a preview of a documentary that is currently in production. Titled Installation Art: Who Cares? the film is being produced as part of the European project PRACTICs and will be completed in early 2011. Artist Michiel Hoogenboom heads the production team together with filmer and photographer, Maarten Tromp and editor Bart van den Broek.currently being produced callled Installation Art: Who Cares?
The symposium concluded with a panel discussion:
Tom Learner, Senior Scientist / Head of Modern and Contemporary Art Research, Getty Conservation Institute
David Bade, artist
Ysbrand Hummelen, senior researcher, ICN
Edwin Jacobs, Director, Centraal Museum Utrecht
Christian Scheidemann, senior conservator, Contemporary Conservation Ltd., New York
Jill Sterrett, Director of Collections and Conservation, SFMoMA
Thea van Oosten, conservation scientist, ICN
Glenn Wharton, New York University / MOMA