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What is your education and/or training?
What is your education andor training?I have studied at the Institute of Conservation and resaturation of
fine arts Accademia Albertinain Turin, and at the Universitad Politecnica de Valencia. I have attended several courses and workshops on sintetic material and plastic artefacts, including
all the conservation meetings of the Vitra Design Museum since 2004. Some significant achievements are:
- 6 Giugno 2003, tappeto-natura: ricerca e metodo inc ollaborazione conAntonio Rava e Oscar Chiantore, International Institute for
Conservation IGIIC, Villa Gualino, Torino, Italia June 6, 2003
- Settembre 2004,Bilbao, The restoration of Piero
Gilardi’sart-works, Internetional Istituite for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works IIC 2004
-Chicago Tribune: Conservation erestauration, Axa Art Milano and Triennale Design Museum,
presentazione del progetto presso il Salone del Restauro 2006 Ferrara.
Currently I carry out the resarch of plastics material in the museum’s collection Triennale Design Museum, in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano.