Welcome to INCCA

INCCA is an ongoing activity of the Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE) / Cultural Heritage Agency in the Netherlands. RCE is part of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. RCE provides the salary of the INCCA Coordinator as well as the hosting and development of the INCCA website. 

The content on www.incca.org is provided on a volunteer basis by INCCA members.  Most members work for organisations, such as museums, universities and conservation research institutes. These organisations are considered INCCA partners for the reason that they allow their employees to spend time sharing knowledge via the network. RCE is grateful to the generosity of all INCCA partners and of course for the hard work provided by individual members. Members of the INCCA Steering Committee and the  INCCA group coordinators also work on a volunteer basis. The INCCA network is not a legal entity and could be described as a volunteer network.