MSc/PGDip Modern Material Artefacts Postgraduate Programme, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK Modern Material Artefacts is a new taught postgraduate programme at the Centre for Textile Conservation and Technical Art History, University of Glasgow, starting September 2019.
Responding to a recognised urgent need by museum professionals, Modern Material Artefacts addresses key challenges facing the curation, collection care and conservation of synthetic materials in historical collections.
Covering plastics, fibres, coatings and, uniquely, colourants as "everyday" commercial materials, this innovative training programme is the first dedicated to the many common objects encountered in collections of post-1850s decorative arts, fashion and social history.
Essential skills are developed to investigate, interpret and care for a wide range of synthetics through object-based and theoretical studies of material behaviour, historical significance and ethical care decisions from interdisciplinary perspectives, led by academic and heritage experts in arts and science.
Full-time (one year) and part-time (two year) study is offered for either a MSc (with dissertation) or a Postgraduate Diploma (without dissertation) qualification. Bursaries are available, subject to eligibility.
To apply or enquire, please visit https://www.gla.ac.uk/postgraduate/taught/modernmaterialartefacts/.
Dr Anita Quye
Programme Convenor, Modern Material Artefacts Head of History of Art and Senior Lecturer in Conservation Science Centre for Textile Conservation and Technical Art History University of Glasgow