Training programme: Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences

Posted on Mon, 11/30/2009 - 15:25
CICS students
CICS Cologne
Image removed.
Cologne Institute for Conservation Sciences offers:
BA and MA courses in conservation and restoration of
- Easel paintings, sculptures and modern art
- Wooden Objects and modern materials
- Written documents, graphic works and book illumination
- Stone and wall paintings
- Textiles and archaeological fibres
BA courses:
Students who wish to specialize in the field of conservation of modern and contemporary art and objects are required to attend courses in the conservation of traditional art and objects first. The 6-semesters BA program aims to develop basic knowledge and skills in art technology, conservation and restoration within five areas of specialization (see above). Course content covers material sciences, art technology, theory and practice of preventive/remedial conservation and restoration, methods of examination, analysis and documentation, art history, ethics, museology and preservation of monuments, business law and management procedures et al.
Within 4th, 5th and 6th semester of the BA course special lectures and workshops are offered amongst others on plastics, outdoor sculptures and modern materials, techniques and conservation of 20th century painting as well as on photographs and modern prints.
Read more here.

MA course:
Following the successful completion of a BA degree the 4-semesters MA program offers an opportunity to specialize amongst others in conservation of modern and contemporary art and modern materials. The course aims to develop the ability to analyze and solve complex problems in research, preservation and presentation of modern and contemporary art works and objects. It offers a spectrum of lectures, seminars and workshops on modern materials, technology, documentation and conservation of objects, new media art, installation art and modern painting as well as opportunities to further develop professional skills such as museum and project management or business studies.
The MA program benefits from the knowledge and expertise of members from the professional community performing as guest lectures.
MA students are required to develop a MA project with their application. The project may focus on more theoretical and/or practical problems of conservation of modern and contemporary art and objects. The project may ideally be realized in collaboration with a partner museum or another research institution. Students that complete all six years of academic training will be highly qualified as conservators in their chosen specialization. The program is organized in a modular structure and each year is divided into two semesters. Read more here.
Entry Requirements
BA: A-levels, at least one year practical experience in conservation,
MA: first degree, 2.5 years practical experience in conservation, MA project proposal
Interview Procedures
BA: applicants are invited to partake in a 2 days assessment
MA: individual appointment with professor
Number of students accepted
About 10 students per course
Prof. Dr. Robert Fuchs (Conservation of photographs and modern prints)
Prof. Dr. Gunnar Heydenreich (Conservation of modern and contemporary art)
Prof. Dr. Friederike Waentig (Conservation of wooden objects and modern materials)
German, partially English
Cologne training program started in 1986 and since then conservation of modern materials and contemporary art became an ever growing field of research and teaching. In response to the growing importance a professorship for conservation of modern and contemporary art was established in 2009. Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences has presently about 200 students, 10 professors, 7 lecturers and assistants. Within the last 10 years more than 50 diploma and MA theses  focused on modern materials and the conservation of modern and contemporary art.
Download list of diploma theses here.
Download list of MA theses here.