The Art Conservation Department at SUNY Buffalo State invites applications for the tenure track position of assistant professor of Paintings Conservation. The successful candidate will teach lecture and laboratory courses in paintings conservation and the pertinent history of paintings materials and techniques. She/he will supervise graduate student projects and provide mentoring and advisement to students specializing in paintings conservation. Advisement includes assisting students in obtaining suitable third-year internships and guiding students in focused investigatory Master's projects required during their second year, in cooperation with other department faculty. Although teaching is the primary responsibility, it is expected that the candidate will pursue a scholarly, research and creative activity agenda, as well.
The paintings conservation professor will actively participate in the life of the department, including: upkeep and maintenance of the paintings conservation studios, managing and organizing all paintings related activities, coordinating with the department's guest lecturer program, serving on department and college committees, participating in department and college events, advancing the department's public outreach initiatives, managing all paintings conservation treatment projects, meeting with clients, assigning projects to students, and representing the department/college by participating in professional organizations.
Required Qualifications: A terminal degree in art conservation which can include certificates from internationally recognized academic conservation programs; commitment to teaching at the graduate level; a demonstrated progressive experience in the conservation of the multitude of paintings materials; evidence of a high degree of proficiency and skill in the performance of a variety of conservation treatments on a wide range of paintings; evidence of initiating a scholarly agenda such as publishing in peer reviewed journals and/or speaking/presenting papers on professional conservation issues at conferences; well developed communication skills; evidence of ability to work cooperatively and collegially within an interdisciplinary work environment.
Preferred Qualifications: Evidence of ability, interest in and commitment to teaching at the graduate level; knowledge and experience with modern and/or contemporary painting techniques and treatments; advanced studies or research in the conservation of paintings, the scientific and technical art history of paintings, material science of paintings and painting materials, or a closely related area of paintings conservation.
Appointment: Full-time tenure-track appointment beginning January 2018 contingent on funding. Salary is competitive nationally, with excellent benefits.
To apply, go to: https://jobs.buffalostate.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=51766
The Art Conservation Department is an internationally recognized professionally oriented graduate program, offering conservation specializations in objects, paintings, photo, library/archives and works of art on paper. The department maintains close working relationships with the regional cultural institutions such as the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, The Buffalo Museum of Science, The Buffalo History Museum and the University of Rochester Memorial Art Gallery to name just a few. With over 400 graduates working in museums, regional centers and private practices across the country and overseas, the Art Conservation Department's alumni play an integral role in the preservation of our nation's and the world's cultural heritage.
Application deadline: Review of applications will begin March 1, 2017. Applications will be reviewed until the position is filled. Send cover letter addressing qualifications, teaching philosophy and professional activities, curriculum vitae, list of Internet links to samples of conservation treatments, publications, and other research/scholarly/creative work, along with names, email addresses and telephone numbers of three references to: https://jobs.buffalostate.edu
Email questions to the Art Conservation Department artcon@buffalostate.edu
Learn more about SUNY Buffalo State at http://artconservation.buffalostate.edu
A commitment to the mission and core values of SUNY Buffalo State is expected. SUNY Buffalo State is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and particularly encourages applications from women and minority candidates.