On July 28th of 2020, the first virtual INCCA Speed Mentoring session was carried out during the virtual AIC annual meeting. It was organised in collaboration with AIC’s Contemporary Art Network (CAN!).
The session took place using Zoom and just like an in-person event, mentors and mentees met in a main meeting room and were then paired off and spoke to each other for ten minutes. There was great interest in the session and each of the nine mentors spoke with 4 mentees. Mentees included emerging professionals, conservation students and a pre-program student considering conservation as a career path.
Despite a few minor glitches, largely due to faulty Wi-Fi connections, the session went very well and those whose connection was lost were able to reconnect a few days later.
Many thanks to Luca Ackerman from CAN! for making this session possible as part of AIC 2020 and of course to all our volunteer mentors (name in bold below) Kate, Christine, Per, Flavia, Sylvie, Michelle, Jay, Francesca and Chris.
The INCCA Steering Committee looks forward to organising more virtual INCCA Speed Mentoring sessions in 2021.
Top row in photo:
Nicole Onishi (GCI)
Tom Learner (GCI, INCCA)
Luca Ackerman (Chair of CAN!),
Kate Moomaw - Associate Conservator of Modern and Contemporary Art, Denver Art Museum
2nd row:
Christine Frohnert - Partner, Bek & Frohnert LLC, Conservation of Contemporary Art, New York
Per Knutås - Head of Conservation, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Flavia Perugini – Sr Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles
Sylvie Pénichon - Head of Photograph Conservation, Art Institute of Chicago
3rd row:
Michelle Barger - Head of Conservation, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA)
Jay Krueger - Head of Painting Conservation, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Francesca Esmay - Conservator, Panza Collection, Solomon R Guggenheim Museum, New York
Chris McGlinchey – retired; ex-Sally and Michael Gordon Senior Conservation Scientist, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York
Jay Krueger - Head of Painting Conservation, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Francesca Esmay - Conservator, Panza Collection, Solomon R Guggenheim Museum, New York
Chris McGlinchey – retired; ex-Sally and Michael Gordon Senior Conservation Scientist, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York
4th row:
Rachel Rivenc (GCI, INCCA)