An interesting post on the conservation of a Le Corbusier kitchen; recenlty acquired by the Museum of Modern Art, New York
For details on this project see:
Photographs and Preservation. How to save photographic artworks for the future?
Researchers:Caroline von Courten, Monica Marchesi, Bas Reijers Project leiders:Kitty Zijlmans and Sandra Weerdenburg Affiliation(s):Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, University of Leiden, University of...
Beginning in January, 2013, LIMA, located in Amsterdam, is the new platform for media art. Experts who previously worked at the NIMk have established this new foundation to assure that the knowledge...
The following text comes from the newsletter of the Netherlands Media Art Institute: 'The activities of the Netherlands Media Art Institute will cease as of 31 December, 2012. The closure of the NIMk...
Using the INCCA Database at the J. Paul Getty Museum
Julie Wolfe has a B.F.A. in art history from the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana. She graduated in 1997 with an M.A. from Buffalo State College specializing in objects conservation. She...
The December issue of News in Conservation is out and available for free download from the IIC Web site at This issue includes a report on the third in a...
Call for papers: Conference on collection care, London
"Evolution or revolution? The changing face of collection care" British Library Preservation Advisory Centre Conference British Library, London 14-15 October 2013 Are changes in the way content is...
Blog: Methods for art examination and documentation
Antonino Cosentino (Cultural Heritage Scientist, Physicist PhD in private private practice) has started a blog on methods for art examination and documentation; targeting innovative low-budget...