Replace or Remake: workshop on the work by Nicolas Schöffer in Liège.

Posted on Tue, 02/25/2014 - 14:13

The artwork, which dates from 1961,  is placed in a public garden near to the center of the city of Liège. For decades the conservation of the cybernetic artwork has been discussed and finally the project seem to become a reality with the announced launch of the construction site in spring this year. The Wallonia Heritage Institute has played a major role in this initiative but conservators have only be recently associated to the project. Numerous line of thoughts remain however open, in particular concerning  elements which have been demounted, the replacement of some of them, the conservation of the electronic brain as well as museographic concerns.

A part from numerous interventions by the participants of the conservation project as well as the Replace and Remake project (ESBA Tours, C2RMF, ESA Saint-Luc de Liège, Capc) a visit of the cybernetic tower will take place. The welcoming starts at 9h and the day will be concluded at 17h00 . More information on:

registration (free):

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