Publication on video preservation for art collections

Posted on Tue, 04/02/2013 - 12:55
Compendium of Image Errors in Analogue Video.


By Johannes Gfeller, Agathe Jarczyk, Joanna Phillips. With a

contribution by Irene Schubiger.

Edited by Swiss Institute for Art Research SIK-ISEA

1st edition, 2013

Text English and German

Hardback, 272 pages, 171 color and 34 b/w illustrations, 1 DVD

ISBN 978-3-85881-381-7


Preserving collections of analogue video art is no easy task. Not only must collection caretakers ensure that their magnetic tapes are appropriately catalogued and stored, they must also properly inspect the content of the analogue videotapes in order to make an informed assessment of their condition. This is the only way to prevent unintended image errors--caused by a damaged videotape or video player, or by simple operator error--from being irreversibly merged with the artist's original image content during the digitisation process and thereby permanently compromising the artwork.



This compendium aims to provide caretakers of our audiovisual artistic and cultural heritage with a general guide to identifying, viewing, cataloguing and assessing the condition of analogue videotapes. The symptoms and causes of 28 common image errors are described in detail, and further illustrated by video sequences on an accompanying DVD. A technical chapter explains the basic principles of video technology, while an art history chapter discusses the deliberate use of image errors as creative tools in analogue video art.



European Distribution:



US Distribution (Chicago University Press) starts in June 2013.


Joanna Phillips

Associate Conservator of Contemporary Art

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

1071 Fifth Avenue

New York, NY 10128 0173


Fax: 212-5860-008