Access To Document / Access Through Document: a collective thinking on the issues of the document and its access in contemporary art practices and research
In the beginning of 2008, the participants of the 17th Session of l’Ecole du Magasin, International Training Program for Curatorial Practice based in Grenoble, France, invited international artists and curators to respond to a call for reflection untitled “Access To Document / Access Through Document”. In June 2008, the resulting contributions where released both in the issue #22 of the free magazine horsd’oeuvre and on the 17th Session’s website http://www.ecoledumagasin.com/session17/, gathering critical texts, interviews and artistic projects to give an unexpected look on the issue of documentation in contemporary art. Although this project is not meant to propose conservation or restoration solutions, it enlightens artistic and curatorial approaches that can be considered as many potential tools or models for a scientific approach. It also creates a new network of professionals who all deal with an active use and display of the document as a vector for sharing information and knowledge, therefore justifying its presence on the INCCA’s website.
For any inquiry about this project, please feel free to contact the author at virginie.bobin@yahoo.fr
If interested in receiving an exemplary of horsd’oeuvre, please contact Alice Vergara-Bastiand, Ecole du Magasin’s coordinator, at a.vergara-bastiand@magasin-cnac.org
If interested in receiving an exemplary of horsd’oeuvre, please contact Alice Vergara-Bastiand, Ecole du Magasin’s coordinator, at a.vergara-bastiand@magasin-cnac.org