Participants of poster session of "Authenticity in Transition. Changing practices in art making and conservation" Conference (1-2 December 2014 Glasgow School of Art, Scotland) contributed their posters to INCCA community.
All posters can be accessed as separate articles and preceded by abstracts:
Miladi Makuc Semion / Ambient M1 by Vinko Tušek - construction dilemmas 43 years later
Mikel Rotaeche González de Ubieta / Film and video in Spanish museums: cataloguing and exhibiting conflicts
Stoupathis Konstantinos / The distance between the authentic artwork and the authentic meaning
Short presentations of all conference posters (panel 4) can be viewed online at: https://vimeo.com/167099179
The conference Authenticity in Transition: Changing Practices in Contemporary Art Making and conservation took place on 1-2 December 2014 and was co-organised by Erma Hermens (Technical Art History Curator, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam) and Frances Robertson (The Glasgow School of Art). It represented the final stage of a three-part series of conferences supported by the Network for Conservation of Contemporary Art Research (NECCAR) and funded by Netherlands Organisation for Fundamental Research (NWO).
More information about the event can be found here.