Within the research project Performance: Conservation, Materiality, Knowledge, generously funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and situated in the Research Institute Materiality in Art and Culture, we are seeking to appoint
This four-year postdoctoral fellowship fosters the academic career of a scholar who has recently received a PhD degree by permitting him or her to pursue research while gaining valuable mentorship.
The SNSF project Performance: Conservation, Materiality, Knowledge focuses on questions of conservation of performance-based works, their temporal specifics, the involvement of the human body, the world of their extended trace history, memory, and archive. Notions of care, the ideals of traditional conservation and their complex relations to knowledge, whether tacit or explicit, skill and technique are explored. Taking as a starting point the necessity for conservators to access and deepen this area of study, and unlike queries that situate these questions within other disciplines, this project approaches performance as a necessarily conservable form.
The interviews for this position will be conducted on February 7, 2020.
Full specifications and requirements are available upon request. Queries can be directed to Prof Sebastian Dobrusskin at sebastian.dobrusskin@hkb.bfh.ch.
Applications require: (1) a cover letter, (2) a statement of research and teaching experience and interests, (3) a curriculum vitae including contact information and names and contact information of three academic referees able to speak to the candidate's suitability for this post (4) a list of publications.
Please note that we only accept online applications, in English or German. The deadline for applications is January 17, 2020. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
Com&Com (Johannes Hedinger and Marcus Gossolt): Bloch, 2011–ongoing. Performance at Shanghai’s Power Station of Art, 23 February 2013, 9th Shanghai Biennale (October 2, 2012–March 31, 2013). Courtesy Com&Com