Diploma thesis - Living Documents for Performance Art Conservation

Posted on Tue, 06/22/2010 - 08:12

by Christine Bavière

4th year student, preparing research for diploma thesis, ESAA École Superieure d’Art d’Avignon (Art and Conservation-Restoration School)



Thesis research began in January 2010



Living Documents for Performance Art Conservation (temporary title)



time-based art, performance art, documentation, re-enactment



Notes and interests: How to document movement without it being an art document (art photography, video art…)? Can all performance works be re-performed and by whom? How to embrace the interpretation problematic when dealing with performance art documentation and therefore where does the conservator stand? Is there space for a new way of thinking performance conservation by adapting the savoir-faire to the work of art and not the other way around? Thinking of a method to make accessible Live documentation of Performance work: a transmission in the same medium as the performance piece: the presence of the body. What does re-enacting imply? For the artists? For authenticity? For conservators? For the public?



Jean-Marc Ferrari (ESAA school Director, artist), Stephanie Elarbi (Quai Branly Museum conservator, Atelier Boronali)





