Call for Mentors: INCCA/CAN! Speed Mentoring Session at AIC Annual Meeting

Posted on Sun, 03/09/2025 - 23:26

Dear INCCA Community, 

INNCA and AIC's Contemporary Art Network (CAN!) are thrilled to announce our yearly in-person Speed Mentoring Session at the 2025 Annual Meeting in Minneapolis. We are looking for volunteers to apply to be mentors at this year’s event!

Speed Mentoring will take place at the conference venue on the first day of the meeting, Thursday, May 29th from 1:00-2:00PM. Lunch will be provided for the mentors from 12:00 to 1:00 PM.

These sessions create the chance for emerging conservators to meet established conservators in an informal and relaxed setting without the usual distractions associated with conferences. We are hoping to have a panel of 10 mentors that represent a range of specialties and who are within various stages of their career, with at least 5 years of post-graduate experience. For this event, mentors should be involved with the conservation of modern and contemporary materials, and we encourage those working in both institutions and private practices to volunteer.

During the event, mentors are paired with three or four mentees for 1:1 ten-minute sessions back-to-back. Mentees are typically early career conservators and students who request a time slot with you. A program coordinator will be on hand to provide two-minute warnings and facilitate the logistics of the event.

To apply, please fill out this form by 3/29/2025:… 

Signups for mentees will become available once the mentor roster is confirmed. Feel free to reach us anytime with questions via email at:

Daisy Diamond and Caroline Longo
AIC ECPN/CAN! Liaisons 2024-2026